Star Trails photography

Weather conditions were perfect the other night for some Star Trails photography and as I had never actually tried this technique before I thought it was a good chance to have a go.  I used a Canon 40D camera and a Tokina 11-16mm lens but so long as your camera can take individual long exposure shots over a period of time then you should be good to go (if you wanted to).  DLSRs are not really suited to keeping the shutter open for a long time as you end up with hot spots on the image, so a more practical solution is to take a series of shorter exposed images over time.

Required kit
-Camera which can take continuous long exposure images over time
-Charged camera batteries
-Tripod – essential to keep the camera steady and pointing in the same direction
-A clear night  🙂

Additional kit
-Remote release used to keep the shutter release open – else you have to press the shutter release each time to take a shot
-Torch – basically to see where you are going in the dark  😉 
-Some foreground object, a tree perhaps or the top of a building .. etc

I tested the process in my back garden with the top of a tree as my foreground interest, then with the camera on a tri pod I set it to an exposure time of 30secons, ISO 400, F5.6 and auto white balance.  Focusing on the stars was done manually and I had a cable release for starting the shoot.  After a few test shots to check the settings I pressed the remote and set it to hold the shutter release; so although the camera is capable of taking 6 shots a second it was now taking 1 shot every 30 seconds 🙂  I then left it alone for just over an hour and ended up with 100+ photos.  I shot in RAW and used a 2gb card.
Note: When I decided enough was enough I shone the torch into the tree for the last two exposures, this brought some light to the foreground.  Then I released the shutter and stopped taking pictures.  The last thing you have to do is put the lens cap back on and take one more photo, will tell you why in a moment.

Armed with all those photos I converted them from RAW to JPG (also tweeked the colours slightly) and then used startrails.exe (free software) to stitch all the photos together.  This is possible in photoshop, or a similar package but would take ages, where as with startrails you point the software to the folder containing your images and it does the rest.  Now, the image you took with the lens cap on — this is known as the “darkframe” in Startrails and useful for reducing image noise.

You can see the first result on my Flickr page to the left hand side, however I wanted to share the process.

Secunia Personal Software Inspector

Secunia Personal Software Inspector (Secunia PSI) is a free (for personal use) security vulnerability scanner for software installed locally on your machine.  PSI will inspect installed software and report back on such things as known vulnerabilies, known updates, end of life applications, etc.  Part of the beauty of this service is that it will help you to download and patch anything which it considers to be a threat, so no messing around trying to find the patches; plus you only need to run it when you want (though it can be configured to run full time if you want).

From the home page:

The Secunia PSI protects against software vulnerabilities 527,821 users have already installed the Secunia PSI and 45,228,804 user applications are currently monitored.”

I will post comments as I continue to test this, but you can get your copy here

Tech alternatives to waterboarding

Original is here

Flickr Vision

Like Flickr? then this may be of interest . . real time mashup of Flickr photos as they are uploaded.  very addictive

Pictures that speak a thousand words

These are apparently photographs of people, things and moments in Russia which are, for the most part, REALLY strange (and funny!).  Here

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Posted in Humor. 2 Comments »

Dramatic Lemur

enough said !!!  

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Global warming Mindmap

I did not do this, simply passing on the good word.  The original can be found here


Excellent Mindmap if I do say so myself.

USB cooler

What to do with all those old CDs and DVDs … use PLENTY of glue now or the thing will spin off and make a mess  🙂

Is HDD disk encryption "really" secure any more

I came across two articles in the last few days which show that disk encryption is perhaps more vulenarable to a successful attack than previously thought.

Article 1

Article 2

BT snoozing

I was looking for a quote from BT (UK communications service provider) today and filled out the appropriate WEB form.  About 15seconds later (impressive !!) I got an automated mail to say my enquiry would be dealt with, the reference number made me laugh … BT snoozing or was my enquiry just boring ??    🙂

Dear __ ____ _________

Thank you for your quote request. We can confirm it has been forwarded to the BT team with Reference Number ZZZZZZZ. You will receive a reply shortly. Please retain the reference number for future use.

Best wishes,


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Wallpaper heaven

Came across this site which has links to LOTS of really nice (IMHO) wallpapers for your desktop … many different types and surely something for everyone  🙂 

The Google Social Graph API

From the site blurb:  “With so many websites to join, users must decide where to invest significant time in adding their same connections over and over. For developers, this means it is difficult to build successful web applications that hinge upon a critical mass of users for content and interaction. With the Social Graph API, developers can now utilize public connections their users have already created in other web services. It makes information about public connections between people easily available and useful.”  Watch the video too – more info here

Pillow rocks

These had me fooled for a moment … damn cool pillow rocks

Real life test of Internet banking security

I have just read with some interest and quiet amusement that UK TV presenter, author and newspaper columnist Jeremy Clarkson has lost money after publishing his bank account details in the UK national press.  Story goes that he was commenting on the loss of 25 million people’s data on two government CDs which had gone missing, here, apparently writing that:

“All you’ll be able to do with them is put money into my account. Not take it out. Honestly, I’ve never known such a palaver about nothing,” he told readers.

So, he published is own account details and how to find his address.

What happened?

Well, someone has since opened a direct debit for £500 from his account and into the account of the charity, Diabetes UK.  Seems the bank can’t tell him who did it due to the Data Protection Act and cannot prevent it happening again.

My quiet amassment is not that it happened to him but that someone followed this through and highlighted what can happen when you are haphazard with personal details and set yourself up for a fall.  Whether this was a direct result of an anonymous reader getting hold of the details or a close friend “playing a joke” the punishment is fitting. 

Good charitable cause, I hope the direct debit stays !!!

Original BBC report.

R2D2 translator

Want to translate something into R2D2 speak … then now is your chance

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For those last minute Xmas gifts, why not use Microsoft gift guide 2007

For such beauties as “Plan and track weight loss $19” to “Give a gift of peace of mind, SimplyFile an overflowing inbox. 50% off” then why not visit the Microsoft gift store for 2007 where these and lots of other wonderful add-ons can be picked up.

“Professional backgrounds for PowerPoint for only $199” – Surely they should have thought of those when developing PowerPoint in the first place … and does this mean that the backgrounds which were included with the software are NOT “Professional”

Note to self – find FreeWare alternatives to those add-ons listed and post  🙂

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Voice of the London Underground sacked for blogging funny fake announcement audio

The woman who reads the London Underground “next stop” announcements has apparently been sacked for keeping a blog in which she would record funny fake announcments, like “Residents of London are reminded that there are other places in Britain outside your stinking shithole of a city, and if you removed your heads from your arses for just a couple of minutes, you may realise that the M25 is not the edge of the Earth”

BOOMP3 has catpured the MP3s here

Her blog can be found here

Wine experts mistake dyed white wine as red wine

I, like the next person perhaps, enjoy a glass of wine and I know what I like and that for me it is very subjective and truely personal choice.  This article however shows that even wine experts are have these constraints when choosing wine, which is perhaps not at all surprising, however so much for objectivity.  Its a piece about wine tasting and perhaps the sceince of the expert opinion, but what seems more interesting are the comments.

Most ludicrous laws in the UK

Among the most ridiculous laws listed by UKTV Gold were:

  • It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament (27%)
  • It could be regarded an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British king or queen’s image upside-down (7%)
  • Eating mince pies on Christmas Day is banned (5%)
  • In the UK, a pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants (4%)
  • The head of any dead whale found on the British coast automatically becomes the property of the King, and the tail of the Queen (3.5%)
  • It is illegal not to tell the tax man anything you do not want him to know, but legal not to tell him information you do not mind him knowing (3%)
  • It is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament wearing a suit of armour (3%)
  • As posted on the BBC WEB site after a survey was conducted on the cable TV channel UKTV GOLD

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